This is caused by a missing dll file. Please download the attached file and save it to your install directory. This will replace the missing file. Then follow the remaining steps to properly register the dll.
Please try the following:
You can manually register the dll file in DOS. Make sure SystemSuite is not running. Then save the Emove.dll to your SystemSuite install folder (usually C:\Program Files\VCOM\SystemSuite) . Then you can register the file for Windows to use it correctly:
1. Click on Start-Run and type "cmd" (without the " ") and press Enter.
2. In the DOS window, type: "regsvr32 /s c:\progra~1\vcom\system~1\emove.dll" (without the " ") and press Enter.
3. Close the DOS box and then open SystemSuite and run the utility.
The file will now be registered correctly and the Move tool should now be functional.
When I try using the Move program utility I get a message saying that an engine.dll file is missing. The Move utility then closes and goes back to the main screen. How do I correct this problem? (KB002124)
Modified on: Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 5:07 PM
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