Our policy is to charge for updates after the first free year of AntiVirus support.
Currently we are providing complementary AV updates without charge to our customers who have the current product for more than a year (SystemSuite 5 or Fix-It 5) and have decided NOT to charge for AV updates for version 5 for the term that version 5 is supported.
If you are receiving a message that your updates are about to expire or need to be renewed, please continue EasyUpdate to upload the latest virus pattern file and to reset your AV clock.If you are unable to run EasyUpdate, manually update your pattern file at this link to reset your AV clock:
This message should not return.
What is VCOM's policy concerning AntiVirus update protection? (KB002126)
Modified on: Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 4:40 PM
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