You can uninstall using the Add or Remove Programs component in the Windows Control Panel. This will initialize the Windows Installer to assist you with uninstalling.
If SystemSuite or Fix-It is not listed on the Add or Remove Programs list you can remove the program using the MicroSoft Installer CleanUp Utility. Please go to the following page and follow the steps on the web site. Run the utility and see if it detects SystemSuite or Fix-It and if it does then delete the entry. Once you've done this check the install directory located at C:\Program Files\Ontrack\SystemSuite or Fix-It or VCOM\SystemSuite or Fix-It and delete the folder if it still exists.;en-us;290301
How can I uninstall SystemSuite or Fix-It? (KB003100)
Modified on: Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 3:50 PM
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