Yes, you can create transparent GIF images in WebEasy Professional. This functionality is not available in WebEasy.


1. In your web site design, select the image for which you would like to create a transparent background.
2. Choose "Component/Image.." from the "Build" menu. A dialog box will appear.
3. Choose a location for the transparent image that you are going to create. Enter it in the "Folder" text field.
4. Choose a name for the transparent image that you are going to create. Enter it in the "File name" text field.
5. Select "CompuServe GIF (*.gif)" as the Image Format.
6. Click on the "Advanced..." button. Another dialog box will appear.
7. Make sure that the "Transparent color" checkbox is ticked. Click the color that appears to the right of the text "Transparent color". A dialog box will appear that will allow you to select a color.
8. Choose the color that you would like to become transparent. Click the "OK" button.
9. Click the "OK" button again.
10. Make sure that the "Export selection" checkbox is ticked. Click the "OK" button.

The transparent GIF image will be created at the location you chose.