This can be done in WebEasy by following the steps below:
1) Open up the page in WebEasy with the image you want to link to.
2) Go to C:\Program Files\VCOM\WebEasy Pro\Clipart\Rectangle in the light box.
3) Left click on the item sq1.gif
4) Drag and drop it onto the image you want the links to appear on
5) This should place an orange square over the image.
6) Use the corners and sides of the new sq1.gif to size it to the desired section.
7) Right click the sq1.gif and select link to link to the desired object or page.
8) Go to edit > image, then on the top toolbar select effects
9) In the effects box, select transparency.
10) Continue clicking on the more box until the center box is transparent.
11) click ok.
Now the link will work on this image when you build the site.