After completing the web page that has all your items for your RSS feed, you should make sure this page is set to build your RSS feed along with all the other files needed to publish your site. To do this, follow these steps: Open the Inspector and make sure you are viewing the page with the RSS feed text items. In the Inspector, click the top right hand icon and select Current Page so that you can set the page settings. Under the Page Setting category in the Current Page properties, locate the RSS channel entry. Click in the RSS channel field to bring up the list of available options - Use Page Text, Use Page Text and Icon, and Excluded. Select one of these. The next time you build your web site, the RSS feed will be created based on this selection. For more information about these settings, see below. RSS channel settings are: Use Page Text. WebEasy will analyze the text items on the web page and collect all single line text items (and their accompanying multi-line text items) to create a RSS feed XML file. Use Page Text and Icon. WebEasy will analyze the text items on the web page and collect all single line text items (and their accompanying multi-line text items) to create a RSS feed XML file. In addition, WebEasy will add an image link to the RSS feed. This image link will either be a small thumbnail of the web page or the favorite icon as specified in the web page properties. Excluded. WebEasy will not generate a RSS Feed XML file for this web page. The RSS Feed XML file name will be the same as the web page but with an extension of .xml. For your RSS feed to work, make sure you have entered the Site Base URL in the Inspector with the address you are going to publish to. To do this: Open the Inspector. In the Inspector, click the top right hand icon and select Document. Under the Web Site Build category in the document properties, find the Site Base URL entry. Click in the Site Base URL field to enter the URL that your site is going to be published to. This is required for your RSS feed to function correctly. It will be in the format ''. If this is not entered, the RSS reader may not be able to find the required content. Tip: To prevent unexpected results you should export your page as HTML with CSS or XHTML with CSS when using this functionality. It is also possible to set the RSS for the every page at once by setting it up in the document properties of the Inspector.
How do I add an RSS feed to my website? (KB005168)
Modified on: Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 6:17 PM
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