The Objects included with WebEasy are split into two broad groups - those that can just be dragged into your page and require no further work; and those that require some customization using the Custom Script Assistant. The latter are only available in WebEasy Professional.

The Objects that require no further work can be found in the "Objects\Gadgets" folder. Note that you can still modify the behavior of these objects using the Custom Script Assistant if you so desire. Following is a description of each:

- Animated Digital
The text "Digital Imaging" will appear on your page in a 72 point font. After two seconds, the text will begin to shrink until it has finally disappeared.

- Animated Welcome
Two seconds after your page has loaded, the text "Welcome!" will appear in very small letters then expand until it is about 72 points high.

- Background Fade
When your page loads, the background will fade to black, then back to the background color. This only works if you have a solid background color. It will have no effect if you are using a texture or a gradient.

- Calculator
Provides a handy calculator that visitors to your web site can use for simple arithmetic.

- Calendar
Displays the current date in a calendar style. The month and year appear at the top, the number of the day appears in the middle and the name of the day appears at the bottom.

- Display Date
Displays the current date in a format similar to "25 May 2002".

- Display Time
Displays the current time in a format similar to "11:44:10". If you build your site as DHTML, the time will update automatically every second.

- Personal Greeting
The first time a new visitor comes to your site, they will be asked for their name. Each time they come to your site, they will see a message similar to "Good afternoon John. This is your 20th visit." The greeting changes depending on the time of day (good morning, good evening etc). The visitor's name and visit count are stored in a cookie, so visitors must have cookies enabled for this to work.

- Select Web Site
Displays a list of web sites. Clicking on a site name will link to that web site. The list has default values that can be changed using the Custom Script Assistant.

- Status Bar Clock
Displays the current time in the status bar at the bottom of the browser window. The display is updated every second.

- Visitor's Counter
Displays a visitor counter from The KB article "How do I use a visitor counter on my Web Site in WebEasy?" provides details of how to insert a real visitor counter.

- World Clock
Displays the time at four locations around the world. The display is updated every second, and visitors can select different locations to view.

The Objects that do require further work can be found in the "Objects\Objects - Advanced" folder. Generally you will require some familiarity with HTML and/or JavaScript to modify these. Following is a description of each:

- Alert on Click
Provides a small image that opens a message box when the user clicks it. One use of this is to provide brief online help text for form fields. The text displayed can be changed in the link dialog.

- Alert on Load Page
Displays a message box when the page loads. The text can be changed using the Custom Script Assistant. Change the word "Welcome!" to the text you wish to appear.

- Confirm Load Page
When the page loads, the visitor will be asked if they wish to continue. If they select "OK", the page will load. If they select "Cancel" they will be returned to the previous page, or to a URL of your choosing. In the Custom Script Assistant, change the text "Opening..." to the message you want to display, and change the text '' to the URL you wish to redirect to.

- Credits
Provides a scrolling display similar to the credits you see at the end of a movie. When you use the custom script assistant, a description of how to change the text is provided inside the script itself.

- Load New Page
Automatically redirect to another web site after a few seconds. By default, you will be redirected to after 5 seconds. A description of what to change is provided inside the script itself.

- Menu
Provides a drop-down menu from which a visitor can select another web site to go to. The menu item text and URLs can be changed at the top of the script. The menu title defaults to "{Menu}". This can be changed to something more appropriate for your site - it appears about half-way through the script.

- News
Provides a vertically scrolling news ticker. The scrolling pauses for a few seconds when each new item comes into view. A description of what to change is provided inside the script itself.

- Status Bar Message
Provides a scrolling message in the status bar at the bottom of the browser window. A description of what to change is provided inside the script itself.

- Table
A standard HTML table with headings, rows and columns. The dimensions, color and content of the table can be changed by editing the HTML with the Custom Script Assistant.

- Text Expanding
Similar to "Animated Welcome" in "Objects\Gadgets". Change the text "Opening..." to the text you want to display.

- Text Shrinking
Similar to "Animated Digital" in "Objects\Gadgets". The text displayed consists of the word "Digital", a space and the word "Now!". Change these two words to the text you want to display.

- View Image
Allows you to include the thumbnail of an image on your page, then have the image display full-size in a new window when clicked. For more information see the KB article "How do I create a popup image window in WebEasy?"