There is now a single automated tool located on the Trend Micro website. Follow the steps below to download and run this tool.

Step 1

  1. Open this page:
  2. Scroll down and locate the link to Sysclean package file
  3. Right-click on the link, select 'save target as'
  4. Click on the Desktop icon on the left
  5. Click on 'save'
  6. When the download is complete, select 'close'

Step 2

  1. Open this page:
  2. Locate the link to the file lpt***.zip (the * will normally be numbers)
  3. Right-click on the link, select 'save target as'
  4. Click on the Desktop icon on the left
  5. Click on 'save'
  6. When the download is complete, select 'close'

Step 3

You can close the Internet browser at this time

Step 4

  1. Go to the Desktop
  2. If you have PowerDesk installed:

    a)  Right click on the file
    b)  Select extract
    c)  When the dialog opens, click extract to extract the contents to the Desktop
  1. If you do not have PowerDesk, use your zip application to extract the contents of the zip to the Desktop
  2. Double-click the file to run it

Step 5

  1. Click 'scan' to run the scan
  2. Allow this to run to clean the system